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Ofrenda Fest closing water ceremony with the Mamos and Zapas

Tribal Link is cosponsoring an important spiritual ceremony. Please come if you can!

The Mamos and Zagas Water Ceremony Fundraiser

5-11 47th Ave, Long Island City, Queens 11101

This is a wonderful opportunity to witness and celebrate the cultural significance of water. The Mamos and Zagas will perform a Water Activation (Pagamento - Offering) for the East River at the Hunter's Point Parks Conservancy's Pier, followed by a talk about the preservation of the waters at the Ofrenda Fest arts space. With your donation you will be able to support the construction of the temple which will be called "UNGUMA USHUII NɄN," dedicated to the healing of chronic illness, a critical need in the community.

Here is the registration link, which also has more information.

The Mamos and Zagas are coming from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia, South America. This Sacred Mountain comprises 3 states of that country: Magdalena, Cesar, and Guajira. There are four ethnicities in the Teyuna (or Tayrona as many people call them): the Kogis, the Wiwas, the Arhuaco and the Kankuamo and they work as a unit. They share the same Cosmology, Sacred Wisdom and Knowledge, but each of them speaks their own dialect.

The word Mamo means Enlightenment of both Good and Evil. Mamos hold the Spiritual knowledge of their people and are trained since an early age to do Healings, Pagamentos or Ceremonies, as well as Divination. The word Mamo also means the Sun, and has the ability to illuminate all beings.

They are also known for communicating directly with Mother Nature and have been providing care and treatment to various living beings, elements, and plants in ecosystems worldwide through a practice called “pagamento.” Through “pagamento,” they have been able to mitigate drought, prevent diseases in flora and fauna, calm storms, and prevent disasters worldwide since ancient times. Their dedication and commitment to preserving the environment are truly remarkable and serve as an inspiration to us all.

We hope to see you there!